
Given daily input learns how to maximize user's day quality. Very basic right now.

Primary LanguagePython

Intro: Input activities done in a day and rate the day's quality (so far only uses linear regression to learn). Program then tries to learn how to maximize day quality. Right now it sounds overly ambitious, but that's the goal. Wanted to apply stuff from Andrew Ng's Machine learning course on my own project for fun. As I learn more, the project will get update more.The program is currently only a command line program, but as my skills improve I'd like to add a GUI, and maybe even a phone app.

Challenges: I am yet to learn more complex and perhaps more accurate ways of learning. Furthermore, I'd like to learn to make a more user friendly UI, but that'll come later. Lastly, over continued use, the program will gather a lot of data, so I have to learn to find a safe and efficient way to store it all.


  1. Thanks to Andrew Ng's Machine Learning Course for teaching me the content
  2. Thanks to Dibgerge on github.com for insanely helpful python versions of Andrew Ng's assignments. A lot of the stuff pertaining to multivariate linear regression comes pretty much directly from him as this is what I'm used to. Link: https://github.com/dibgerge/ml-coursera-python-assignments