
This Web-app allows a user to search among enlisted properties on the website also interested users can make an inquiry about specific
property by submitting the inquiry form to its Realtor.

Features of this Website

Following are the main features, the GIF's showing how to search, register & login, view listings
and make an inquiry.


There's a search form in home page which allows user to filter search according to their need
i.e. number of bedrooms, garage, price filter, location(state-wise, city-wise).

Searching properties on City basis

Register & Login

Basic User Register and Authentication function.

Register and Login Functionality

Listings/Browsing property

A carousel which shows enlisted images of the property (max 6).

Featured Listings

Making Inquiry

Users can make inquiry if they are interested by submitting the form which will send
mail to its realtor notifiying them about the inquiry.

Makikng an inquiry


Feature Requests/ Issues and contributions are welcome, just star and fork the repo to your profile.

Run locally on your PC

Download here


  1. Run this in your terminal.
    git clone

  2. Make a venv.
    python3 -m venv myenv

  3. Install requirements.
    pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Move to the root directory i.e. (where is your located) & run.
    python migrate
    python runserver

This project was part of BradTraversy course repo