This is the collection of all the programs encountered in the Data Structures Course and they are done using the C, C++, Java and Python3 Programming languages.
Following are the topics covered
- 1. Searching a 2D Array
- 2. Matrix operations
- 3. Stack Implementation using Array
- 4. Queue Implementation using Array
- 5. Conversion of expression from infix to postfix
- 6. Evaluation of a postfix expression
- 7. Linked list
- 8. Stack Implementation using Linked list
- 9. Queue Implementation using Linked list
- 10. Polynomial addition using Circular Linked list
- 11. BST Binary Search Tree
- 12. Binary Search in 1D Array
- 13. BFS Breadth First Search and DFS Depth First Search
- 14. Quick Sorting
- 15. Merge Sorting