PES Project 2 Readme

Uploaded main.c on 16 Oct 2019, because the file wasn't pushed to the repo while submitting.
main.c was uploaded in the plagiarism check PDF before the due date and time on canvas, and the completed project was demoed to TA Sorabh on the due date in class.

Team Members:

  • Prayag Milan Desai
  • Rahul Ramaprasad

Description of repository contents:

This repository contains ten folders, each having multiple source and header files. The description of the folders are as follows:

Folder board:
This folder contains the library and source files related to the KL25Z FRDM board which have pin init functions and configuration functions.

Folder CMSIS:
This folder contains source and header files which provide interfaces to processor and peripherals, real-time operating systems, and middleware components.

Folder drivers:
This folder contains drivers for clock, gpio, communication protocols, touch sensor, timer, flash,etc.

Folder utilities: This folder contains source and header file which facilitate the debugging process.

Folder startup: This folder contains source and header file for the boot process of the freedom board.

Folder source_common: This folder contains source files which are common to all targets and are compiled based on the macro definitions. The application is made modular by defining multiple source files and are placed in target specific includes folder. The main.c is defined here, which is compiled for all targets.

Folder frdm_includes: This folder contains user defined source and header files which contain functions which are specific only to the FRDM board such as blinking LEDs, touch sensor detection, RTC Timestamp.

Folder pc_includes: This folder contains user defined source and header files which contain functions which are specific only to the PC such as printing LED status, Timestamp.

Folder debug_frdm: This folder contains the object files, which are created after the compilation of all the source files. This folder also contains the output of the compilation process which is '.axf' file. The '.axf' file will be executed on the FRDM board.

Folder debug_pc: This folder contains the object files, which are created after the compilation of all the source files. This folder also contains the output of the compilation process which is '.exe' file. The '.exe' file will be executed on the MCUXpresso terminal.

Installation/execution notes for the C code in this repository:
All the code in this repository should be executed using the following command:
make -r -j3 "target"
Where, "target" has four choices

  • frdm_release: This target builds the output for the KL25Z.The output LEDs will change according to a LUT, but no log output will be available.
  • frdm_debug: This target builds the output for the KL25Z. The output LEDs will change according to a LUT, and a log output of the status of LED, current time, and time elapsed since the last LED transition is available.
  • pc_release: This target builds the output for the PC. The output LEDs will print on console according to a LUT, and a log output of the status of LED, current time, and time elapsed since the last LED transition is available
  • pc-debug: This target builds the output for the PC. The output LEDs will print according to a LUT, but no log output will be available.
    Always run the 'make clean' command before rebuilding other targets.
    Executing the above command results in .exe file which can be executed on the pc target by right-clicking and choosing terminal and .axf file which can be executed on FRDM board by clicking the debug option.
    This project has the following requirements, that are fulfilled using the aforementioned command:
  • ARM-GCC cross-compiler : The 'arm-none-eabi-gcc' command is used to compile the FRDM board target code
  • Macro flag : The '-D $(target_macro_definition)' to compile the target specific sections of code
  • No errors and warnings: The -Wall flag enables a set of warnings, and the -Werror flag treats the warnings as errors. Since the output of the compiler shows no error, the code in this repo is without any compiler warnings and errors
  • To enable the RTC, connect a Jumper wire between Pin PTC1 and Pin PTC3
  • Calibrate the touch sensor without placing the finger on it