
This repository contains tutorial to deploy any of your existing research into easily usable web services.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains tutorial to deploy any of your existing research into easily usable web services.

Practical 1

This is simple python program to perform addition of two numbers.

from __future__ import print_function
# to make sure print() on both python 2 and python 3 properly

#declare two numbers
number1 = 5
number2 = 10

#perform addition of two numbers
answer = number1 + number2

#print answer
print("Answer is:"+str(answer))

Practical 2

In this code we will create simple webserver using Flask in python. Page will simpaly display "Hello World as output"

# For creating simple web page we need to import flask 
from flask import Flask

#assign name to our flask application
#You can either use app's default name
app = Flask(__name__)

#or assign name yourself
#app = Flask("simple_hello_application")

# define path on which application will respond and also create function to handle request
def index():
    #simply print "hello world"
    return 'Hello world'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #if it is main program, run flask server on localhost with 9090 port number
    app.run(debug=True, host='',port=9090)

Practical 3

In this code we add multiple page to practical 2.

For doing that we need to add following code to practical 2:

def sttp():
    return 'Hello Python developers'

Practical 4

In this practical we will handle GET, POST and JSON request using flask.


We can handle get request either via query string or we can fetch values directly from url.

Get values from url

For this we can use <>.

def success(a,b):
   ans = int(a)+int(b)
   return 'answer is %s' % ans

Get values in query string

Syntax: request.args.get('parameter_name')

@app.route('/calculator2', methods=['GET'])
def calc():
if request.method == 'GET':
      a = request.args.get('a')
      b = request.args.get('b')
      return str(c)


Syntax: request.form['parameter_name']

@app.route('/calculator2', methods=['POST'])
def calc():
   if request.method == 'POST':
      a = request.form['a']
      b = request.form['b']
      return str(c)

3.JSON using POST

Syntax: request.get_json(silent=True, force=True)

silent for no warning

force for ignoring header type

@app.route('/jsondemo', methods=['POST', 'GET'])
def jsondemo():
    content = request.get_json(silent=True, force=True)
    return str( int(content['a']) + int(content['b']) )

Practical 5 - Docker

Install Docker

wget https://github.com/rancher/install-docker/blob/master/17.03.2.sh
sh rancherdockerinstall.sh

Get all running containers

sudo docker ps -a

Get all available docker images

sudo docker images

Remove any image

sudo docker rmi IMAGE-ID

Run new container

sudo docker run --name sttp shahparth123/apache:0.4

With more option

sudo docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -it --name lab4 -v /home/parthpunita/demo/:/var/www/html -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 2022:22 shahparth123/apache:0.4

Save container as image

sudo docker commit -a "Parth Shah" -m "demo server" lab5 shahparth123/apache:latest

Remove Container

docker rm CONTAINER-ID/name