
The private boody (working title) of online 3D game Krew.io

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


This is the production repository (working title) for Krew.io.


  • Node.js v14
  • NPM v7
  • MongoDB

Running in development npm run dev

Running in production (using pm2 to keep process alive) npm run prod

Running in production mode serves to localhost:8200. Running in dev mode serves to localhost:8080.

In production, Nginx proxies the local webfront port to 443 and redirects 80 to 443.

Webserver Setup

Install needed utilities.

cd ~
apt-get install nginx git ufw fail2ban

# Download nvm.
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | bash 
source ~/.profile

# Install Node.JS via nvm.
nvm install 14.16.0
npm i -g npm

# Install PM2 globally.
npm i pm2 -g

# Get MongoDB repository key.
wget -qO - https://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-4.4.asc | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/debian buster/mongodb-org/4.4 main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.4.list

# Update available packages and install MongoDB.
apt-get update
apt-get install -y mongodb-org

# Start MongoDB
systemctl enable --now mongod

Clone repositories.

cd /opt

git clone --depth=1 https://krewiogit:J5nETmjUkf59z9A@github.com/Krew-io/krew2.io.git
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/Krew-io/krew-wiki.git

Get SSL Certificate

If the SSL certificate is not present, get one via LetsEncrypt.

# Install certbot
apt-get install certbot

# Make sure NGINX is not running during this process. This is not necessary if it is not installed yet.
systemctl stop nginx

certbot --certonly -d krew.io
certbot --certonly -d wiki.krew.io

Otherwise, if you have a wildcard certificate, copy it from the repository into working directories.

# Create folders for the certificates to go into.
mkdir -p /etc/letsencrypt/live/krew.io
mkdir -p /etc/letsencrypt/live/wiki.krew.io

# Copy the certificates from the repository.
cp /opt/krew2.io/src/server/certs/* /etc/letsencrypt/live/krew.io/
cp /opt/krew2.io/src/server/certs/* /etc/letsencrypt/live/wiki.krew.io/

Configure NGINX.

# Unlink the old NGINX configuration.
unlink /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

# Copy the NGINX configuration from the repository to the working directory.
cp /opt/krew2.io/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/krew.conf
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/krew.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/krew.conf

# Restart NGINX.
systemctl restart nginx

Build and run the project.

cd /opt/krew2.io

npm i
npm run prod

Admin Commands

  • Set playerEntity.isAdmin to true (otherwise other admin commands won't work).
;;say <message>
  • Send an admin message to all players online.
;;whois <seadog123>
  • Get player ID of specified seadog (in this case seadog123).
;;kick <Identifier> [reason]
  • Disconnect a player's socket connection (kick them) and display reason on his screen.
  • Identifier can be either a playerID or displayname.
  • Reason is optional.
;;ban <Identifier> [reason]
  • Disconnect a player's socket connection (kick them) and display reason on his screen.
  • Additionally adds them to the permanent ban list, barrciading them from using their account.
  • Identifier can be either a playerID or displayname.
  • Reason is optional.
;;unban <Identifier>
  • Removes a user from the permanent ban list and sends a webhook to Discord.
  • Identifier can be either a playerID or displayname.
  • Reason is optional.
;;nick <name>
  • Set the name in the chat to a specified string (for easier admin communication).
  • Saves the current game progress of all players which are logged in. Then, disconnects all players from the server.
  • Detailed information about how to smoothly restart the server is located further down in this document.

Mod Commands

  • Set playerEntity.isMod to true (otherwise other mod commands won't work).
;;report <Identifier> [reason]
  • Report a player (sends him a warning and a webhook message to Discord. When a player gets reported the second time, he is kicked from the server).
;;mute <Identifier> [reason]
  • Mute a player (for 5 minutes) and display a message to him telling him that he has been muted. Sends a webhook message to Discord with the reason.
;;tempban <Identifier> [reason]
  • Temporarily ban a player.
;;ban <Identifier> [reason]
  • Permanently ban an account. This player will be unable to use this account

Smooth Server Restart

  • Login to the game with your user account.
  • Authenticate yourself as admin in the chat:
  • Save the current progress of all players and "kick" them from the game.
  • The game will automatically kick all players and pull the latest commit from GitHub. Once done, it will restart itself and allow players to join back.


Network Types

-1: Entity
0: Player
1: Boat    
2: Projectile
3: Impact
4: Pickup ( Fish / crab / shell / cargo / chest)
5: Island

Ship States

-1: Starting
0: Sailing
1: Docking
2: Finished Docking
3: Anchored
4: Departing


0: Cannonball
1: Fishing Hook


-1: Nothing
0: Cannon
1: Fishing Rod
2: Telescope