
Contains a class that fits logistic regression parameters via a modified Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Contains a class that fits logistic regression parameters via a modified Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. An example is contained in a .ipynb file in this repository.

Requires numpy, scipy, and tqdm libraries.

Possible inputs are:

 y: numpy array (column vector) of the training labels; length must match the number of rows in X

 X: numpy array (matrix format) of independent variables

 beta_priors: numpy array of the prior beliefs for each coefficient in the model;
              must be the same length as the number of columns in X matrix or one more if adding an

 prior_stds: numpy array of the standard deviations of the priors;
             must be the same length as the beta_priors

 jumper_stds: numpy array of standard deviations of the jumping distribution for each beta coefficient;
              must be the same length as beta_priors

 num_iter: an int for the number of interations to perform

 add_intercept: True (default) if the user wants to add an intercept to X

 random_seed: int that sets the random seed for reproducibility

 alpha: float on the closed interval 0 to 1:
        used to create the (1 - alpha)*100% credible interval for the coefficients

 burn_in: float on the closed interval 0 to 1:
          it is the proportion of simulate coefficients to discard as the algorithm searches the parameter space