Day 1 |
Simple Todo AppA todo app built completely using class based components and state. [Code] |
ReactJS, Sass, Parcel, JSX |
Day 2 |
Lifecycle TrackerA simple counter app that helps understand class based components and their different lifecycle methods. [Code] |
ReactJS, CSS, Parcel, JSX |
Day 3 |
ID Card GeneratorAn application built using functional components, with introduction to the useState hook. [Code] |
ReactJS, useState(), Sass, Parcel, JSX |
Day 4 |
ModalA modal component with introduction to Portals, Fragments, useState and useEffect. [Code] |
ReactJS, useState(), useEffect(), Portals, CSS, Parcel, JSX |
Day 5 |
Shopping CartA simple shopping cart application built using class based components and the Context API. [Code] |
ReactJS, Context API, CSS, Parcel, JSX |