This application lets the user takes its Blood Sugar reading using iHealth BG5 device. Some of the features of the apps:
- Integrated iHealth labs libraries for all of their bluetooth devices (currently hardcoded for BG5 but can be changed)
- Includes the messaging functionality using FIREBASE
- Connection to MySQL DB
- Login using PHP script AuthO is preferred and has to be implemented
- History Fragment to view all the previous blood sugar reading
##Getting Started Download the project and import it in Android Studio. Update your android studio to atleast v2.2.2 .
- Android studio v2.2.2 or above
- Target Android SDK Version: 23 i.e. Android Marshmallow (6.0)
- Make sure you are connected to wifi or mobile data (everything is retrieved from MySQL DB)
- Give all the permissions such as enable bluetooth, service location, local storage when connecting to BG5 Device