
A JMeter plug-in that enables you to send test results to a Kafka server

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A JMeter plug-in that enables you to send test results to a Kafka server.



JMeter Backend Listener Kafka is a JMeter plugin enabling you to send test results to a Kafka server. It is inspired from JMeter ElasticSearch backend listener plug-in.


  • Filters

    • Only send the samples you want, by using Filters! Simply type them as follows in the appropriate field: filter1;filter2;filter3 or sampleLabel_must_contain_this.
  • Specific fields field1;field2;field3

    • Specify fields that you want to send to Kafka (possible fields below):
      • AllThreads
      • BodySize
      • Bytes
      • SentBytes
      • ConnectTime
      • ContentType
      • DataType
      • ErrorCount
      • GrpThreads
      • IdleTime
      • Latency
      • ResponseTime
      • SampleCount
      • SampleLabel
      • ThreadName
      • URL
      • ResponseCode
      • TestStartTime
      • SampleStartTime
      • SampleEndTime
      • Timestamp
      • InjectorHostname
  • Verbose, semi-verbose, error only, and quiet mode:

    • debug : Send request/response information of all samplers (headers, body, etc.)
    • info : Sends all samplers to the Kafka server, but only sends the headers, body info for the failed samplers.
    • quiet : Only sends the response time, bytes, and other metrics
    • error : Only sends the failing samplers to the Kafka server (Along with their headers and body information).
  • Use Logstash/NiFi or any other tool to consume data from Kafka topic and then ingest it into a Database of your liking.

Maven dependency


Installing JMeter

  • SSH to a Unix machine with X-11 Forwarding enabled, and then set DISPLAY variable:

    export DISPLAY=Your_terminal_IP:0.0
  • Download JMeter binary and extract it:

    mkdir -P /home/jmeter
    cd /home/jmeter
    curl -O -k http://mirror.vorboss.net/apache//jmeter/binaries/apache-jmeter-5.1.1.tgz
    tar -zxvf apache-jmeter-5.1.1.tgz
    ln -s apache-jmeter-5.1.1 ./current
    export JMETER_HOME=/data/elastic/jmeter/current
  • Download and install Plugin Manager to lib/ext folder:

    curl -O -k http://search.maven.org/remotecontent?filepath=kg/apc/jmeter-plugins-manager/1.3/jmeter-plugins-manager-1.3.jar
    mv jmeter-plugins-manager-1.3.jar apache-jmeter-5.1.1/lib/ext/

    Detailed instructions on installing Plug-ins Manager are available at this blog.

  • Start JMeter:

    JVM_ARGS="-Dhttps.proxyHost=myproxy.com -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080 -Dhttp.proxyUser=user -Dhttp.proxyPass=***" ./bin/jmeter.sh

Packaging and testing your newly added code

  • Build the artefact: Execute below mvn command. Make sure JAVA_HOME is set properly

    mvn clean package
  • Move the resulting JAR to your JMETER_HOME/lib/ext.

    mv target/jmeter.backendlistener.kafka-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar $JMETER_HOME/lib/ext/
  • Restart JMeter

  • Go to Options > Plugins Manager

  • You will find Kafka Backend listener plug-in mentioned in the Installed plug-ins tab.

Configuring jmeter-backend-listener-kafka plug-in

  • In your Test Pan, right click on Thread Group > Add > Listener > Backend Listener
  • Choose io.github.rahulsinghai.jmeter.backendlistener.kafka.KafkaBackendClient as Backend Listener Implementation.
  • Specify parameters as shown in image below (bootstrap.servers and kafka.topic are mandatory ones):

Screenshot of configuration

Running your JMeter test plan

You can run the test plan in GUI mode or in CLI mode using command like below:

bin/jmeter -H [HTTP proxy server] -P [HTTP proxy port] -N "localhost||*.singhaiuklimited.com" -n -t test_kafkaserver.jmx -l test_kafkaserver_result.jtl


Sample Grafana dashboard

Sample Grafana dashboard

For more info

For more information, here's a little documentation.


Feel free to contribute by branching and making pull requests, or simply by suggesting ideas through the "Issues" tab.

Code Styling

  • Please find instructions here on how to configure your IntelliJ or Eclipse to format the source code according to Google style. Once configured in IntelliJ, format code as normal with Ctrl + Alt + L.

    Adding the XML file alone and auto-formatting the whole document could replace imports with wildcard imports, which isn't always what we want.

    • To stop this from happening, Go to FileSettingsEditorCode StyleJava and select the Imports tab.
    • Set Class Count to use import with '*' and Names count to us static import with '*' to a higher value; anything over 999 should be fine.

    You can now reformat code throughout your project without imports being changed to Wildcard imports.

  • You also need to use maven-git-code-format plugin in pom.xml to auto format the code according to Google code style before any Git commit.

Use remark-cli to format markdown files. It ensures a single style is used: list items use one type of bullet (, -, +), emphasis ( or _) and importance (__ or **) use a standard marker, table fences are aligned, and more.

  • Install remark-cli and remark-preset-lint-recommended

    npm install remark-cli -g
    npm install remark-preset-lint-recommended -g
    # Add a table of contents to `README.md`
    remark README.md --use toc --output
    # Lint markdown files in the current directory
    # according to the markdown style guide.
    remark README.md --use remark-preset-lint-recommended -o
    # Rewrite all applicable files
    remark . -o