Election - DAPP Tutorial


Install these prerequisites to follow along with the tutorial.

NPM: https://nodejs.org 

Truffle: https://github.com/trufflesuite/truffle  

Ganache: http://truffleframework.com/ganache/ 

Metamask: https://metamask.io/

Step 1. Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/rahulthakkar796/Election_Dapp.git

Step 2. Install dependencies

$ cd election 

$ npm install 

$ npm install -g webpack webpack-cli  

Step 3. Start Ganache

Open the Ganache GUI client that you downloaded and installed. This will start your local blockchain instance.

Step 4. Compile & Deploy Election Smart Contract

$ truffle migrate --reset You must migrate the election smart contract each time your restart ganache.

Step 5. Configure Metamask

Unlock Metamask 

Connect metamask to your local Etherum blockchain provided by Ganache.
Import an account provided by ganache.

Step 6. Run the Front End Application

npm run start