
NITI Aayog & Proffer Hackathon Submission

Work Flow

Hackathon Result

HealChain WON non-monetary prize! "IBM Blockchain Internship"


Demo ( you need MetaMask/Toshi to view this url )

  • Toshi Dev app : search for HealChain


Basic health information of a person such as Blood group, heart/diabetic problem info, order donor status are quickly needed when a person is in medical emergency. Delay in finding these info may cost a life. In emergency need of initial funds is crucial.


Using hyperledger blockchain, We store a person's both public health information & private medical history. We allow hospitals/labs to issue blood donor rebates as ERC20 based HEAL Tokens. And they will accept HEAL tokens as mode of payment.


QR Code based : Public Health Information

Stored in: HyperLedger Fabric
UI : Toshi SOS + Custom JSON API
  • Blood Group : B+
  • Diabetic Patient : Yes / No
  • Heart Patient : Yes / No
  • Allergic To : [ ]
  • Organ Donor : Yes / No

Private Health Information

Stored in: HyperLedger Fabric
UI : Vue
  • Scanned JPG/PDF files
  • Generalized report values

Private Keys for these private health information/ records will be available only to respective patient & report adding hospital/lab.

Work flow chart

Work Flow

Tech Stack

Tech Stack

Blood Donor Rebates as ERC20 Tokens

Government transfers HEAL Tokens to Hospitals every year/month in advanced

Government has particular scale of rebates to blood donors. Govt organization will send HEAL tokens to all hospitals every month in advanced.

Hospital Pays Donor Rebates in HEAL Tokens

Upon receiving blood donations, As per government norms 1 unit blood's rebate value will be calculated in HEAL Tokens and paid to donor's ETH address

Donor/Patient Pays in HEAL Token

During health checkups, emergency payments Patient can pay in HEAL Token



* Displays QR code to access public health information
* Sends emergency alert to configured friends & family with current location
* Sends emergency alert to near by ambulance service / hospital


Displays Healchain info / wallet

Blood Request

Receives blood request from user & broadcasts to all other users in a location/circle

Pay Hospital/Lab

When Toshi supports ERC20 tokens, User can send HEAL Tokens to friends, family, hospitals & labs.

How it works

Youtube presentation (Too short & took in a hurry!)


Tech Stack


  • Payments/notifications: Toshi
  • Frontend: Vue
  • BlockChain: Chaincode (Hyperledger Fabric), solidity (Ethereum)
  • Token: ERC20

Server Infra

  • Docker for app deployment
  • Node API for Toshi & Ethereum BlockChain interactions
  • Go.


* PaimPozhil B  > paimpozhil@gmail.com , skype: paimpozhil
* KarthiKeyan P > karthixinbox@gmail.com , skype: mrkart , linkedin: mrkart
* Ilampirai B
* Suresh VR

Credits whatthefunc Youtube Channel.