IKEA SearchStax UX JS Demo

See Live Demo: IKEA SearchStax UX-JS Demo


  • Clone this repository
  • Run the commands:
$ cd ikea-searchstax-js-demo
$ npm install
$ npm run dev

HTML Structure

The main HTML file is src/index.html.

JavaScript Widgets

The main JavaScript file src/index.js imports and initializes several widgets from the @searchstax-inc/searchstudio-ux-js library. These widgets add search functionality to the web application.

  1. Search Input Widget: This widget provides a search input field. It is added to the searchstax-input-container div in the HTML file.
searchstax.addSearchInputWidget("searchstax-input-container", {
    suggestAfterMinChars: 3,
    templates: {
    mainTemplate: {
        template: searchInput,
        searchInputId: "searchstax-search-input"
  1. Facets Widget: This widget provides a way to filter search results based on certain criteria. It is added to the searchstax-facets-container div in the HTML file. ;
searchstax.addFacetsWidget("searchstax-facets-container", {
    facetingType: "tabs",
    itemsPerPageDesktop: 9999,
    itemsPerPageMobile: 99,
    templates: {
        mainTemplateDesktop: {
            template: facetsTemplate,
        facetItemTemplate: facetItemTemplate,
        facetItemContainerTemplate: facetItemContainerTemplate

  1. Search Feedback Widget: This widget provides feedback on the search results. It is added to the search-feedback-container div in the HTML file. ;
searchstax.addSearchFeedbackWidget("search-feedback-container", {
    templates: {
      main: {
          template: searchFeedback,
          originalQueryClass: `searchstax-feedback-original-query`
  1. Pagination Widget: This widget provides pagination for the search results. It is added to the searchstax-pagination-container div in the HTML file. ;
searchstax.addPaginationWidget("searchstax-pagination-container", {
    templates: {
        mainTemplate: {
            template: pagination,
            previousButtonClass: "searchstax-pagination-previous",
            nextButtonClass: "searchstax-pagination-next"

Each widget is initialized with a configuration object that specifies its behavior and appearance. The templates for these widgets are defined in separate JavaScript files and imported into src/index.js.

Parcel Bundler

Parcel is a web application bundler that is used in this project, as specified in the package.json file.

For more information on how to use and configure Parcel, refer to the official Parcel documentation.