
This is a Flask-based API for an attendance system. It allows users to upload images, detect faces, mark attendance, and train the face recognition model.

Primary LanguagePython

Attendance System API

This is a Flask-based API for an attendance system. It allows users to upload images, detect faces, mark attendance, and train the face recognition model.


  • Python 3.7 or higher
  • OpenCV (cv2) library (opencv-contrib-python)
  • Flask library
  • NumPy library
  • SQLite3 library


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/rahulvarma5297/Attendence-Tracking-System

  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd Attendence-Tracking-System/server

  3. Install the required dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Load Schema into Database python init_db.py

Run Command

To start the Flask application, use the following command:

  • MacOS flask --app server run --debug
  • Windows python -m flask --app server run --debug

To start the React application, use the following command:

npm install && npm start

API Endpoints

Postman Documentation

Upload Images and Add User

Endpoint: /upload

Method: POST

Request Body:

  • images (multipart/form-data) - List of images to upload (maximum 10 images).
  • rollno (form-data) - Roll number of the student.
  • name (form-data) - Name of the student.
  • email (form-data) - Email of the student.


  • Success (200 OK):
    "message": "User added successfully & training started"
  • Bad Request (400):
    • If no images are found:
        "message": "No images found"
    • If more than 10 images are uploaded:
        "message": "Maximum 10 images are allowed"
    • If the request data is invalid:
        "message": "Invalid data"
    • If the user already exists:
        "message": "User already exists"
  • Internal Server Error (500):
        "message": "Internal server error"

Mark Attendance

Endpoint: /attendance

Method: POST

Request Body:

  • file (multipart/form-data) - Image file for attendance marking.


  • Success (200 OK):
    "message": "Attendance marked successfully"
  • Not Found (404):
    • If no face is found in the uploaded image:
        "message": "No face found"
    • If the user is not found in the face recognition model:
        "message": "User not found"
    • If the student attendance is already marked for the current date:
        "message": "Student attendance is marked"
  • Internal Server Error (500):
        "message": "Internal server error"

Please note that the API assumes the existence of the following directories:

uploads - for temporary image uploads

images - for storing user images

recognizer - for storing the trained face recognition model

Also, make sure to create an SQLite database file database.db in the db directory before running the application.