
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to the DomainScraper!

What this tool does:

Currently this tool checks any domain for technologies being used, open page rank, dns entries, and social media links.

WIP: financial information (if available) and the vertical cassification.

How to run:


  1. '''git clone https://github.com/MattMartin1919/DomainScraper.git'''
  2. '''cd DomainDataApi'''
  3. '''sudo docker build -t domaindataapi .'''
  4. '''sudo docker run -p 3000:3000 -d domaindataapi'''
  5. Visit #host-ip#:3000 for the swagger UI


  1. '''git clone https://github.com/MattMartin1919/DomainScraper.git'''
  2. '''cd DomainDataApi'''
  3. '''npm install'''
  4. '''npm start'''
  5. Visit #host-ip#:3000 for the swagger UI

Misc stuff

Extra docker instructions

Pause the program:

  • '''sudo docker ps -as''' -> Checks docker for all containers
  • '''sudo docker pause #container id#''' -> pauses the container id

Restart the program after pausing:

  • '''sudo docker ps -as''' -> Checks docker for all containers
  • '''sudo docker unpause #container id#''' -> unpauses the container id

Restarts the program after quiting:

  • '''sudo docker ps -as''' -> Checks docker for all containers
  • '''sudo docker start #container id#''' -> starts back up the container id

Look at last 20 lines of output from docker shell:

  • '''sudo docker logs #container id#'''

Follow output from docker shell:

  • '''sudo docker logs --follow #container id#'''

Extra npm stuff

Use nodemon for development:

  • '''nodemon start''' -> auto reloads the api when file is changed


  1. Linux
  2. docker


Wappalyzer - https://github.com/AliasIO/Wappalyzer - Awesome project to discover the technologies used on a website social-media-scraper - https://github.com/tryolabs/social-media-scraper - Awesome tool to get the social media links from a website Open PageRank - https://www.domcop.com/openpagerank/what-is-openpagerank - Great free page rank tool