
(Google Summer of Code 2018) The project aims primarily is to add plugins in istSOS3 for unit of measure conversion. The user can convert unit in another specified unit using plugins. For Unit of measure conversion in istSOS3 we added postgresql-unit and pint libraries which has a powerful feature of unit conversion along with many unit conversion specified functions instantly and all types operations supports to istsos3 data like add, subtraction, multiplication and division with magnitude and units.

Primary LanguagePython


Installation guide

  1. Clone this Repo. git clone https://github.com/ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit.git

  2. cd postgresql-unit

  3. Change postgresql-server-dev-(10, 9.5 etc.) according to your installation configuration

sudo apt-get install build-essential postgresql-server-dev-10 flex bison
make PG_CONFIG=/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/pg_config
sudo make install PG_CONFIG=/usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/pg_config
  1. For more detail postgresql-unit https://github.com/ChristophBerg/postgresql-unit.

  2. Clone istsos3 main repo. git clone https://github.com/istSOS/istsos3.git Clone unit conversion plugins repo. https://github.com/istSOS/istsos3-unit-conversion.git extract plugins and paste in istsos3/istsos/plugins

  3. Install istsos3 Using main repo. documentation https://github.com/istSOS/istsos3/blob/master/README.md .

  4. cd istsos3

  5. Start server using python examples/server_tornado.py

  6. Install Postman for Post request easily https://www.getpostman.com/.

  7. listen at http://localhost:8887/rest in Postman.

  8. Insert sensor with one observable property sensor in istsos3 using http://istsos.org/en/v3.0.0-Beta/index.html OR

    "action": "CREATE_SENSOR",
    "data": {
        "name": "belin",
        "fixed": true,
        "procedure": "belin",
        "procedure_description_format": ["http://www.opengis.net/sensorML/1.0.1"],
        "observable_properties": [
                "name": "temperature",
                "definition": "urn:ogc:def:parameter:x-istsos:1.0:temperature",
                "uom": "°C",
                "type": "http://www.opengis.net/def/observationType/OGC-OM/2.0/OM_Measurement"
        "observation_types": [
        "foi_type": "http://www.opengis.net/def/samplingFeatureType/OGC-OM/2.0/SF_SamplingPoint",
        "sampled_foi": {
            "identifier": "belin_foi",
            "name": "belin_foi",
            "type": "http://www.opengis.net/def/samplingFeatureType/OGC-OM/2.0/SF_SamplingPoint",
            "shape": {
                "type": "Point",
                "coordinates": [
Insert Observation any valid data like bellinzona with one observable property
    "data": [{
        "offering": "belin",
        "procedure": "belin",
        "type": "http://www.opengis.net/def/observationType/OGC-OM/2.0/OM_Measurement",
        "featureOfInterest": "beline_foi",
        "phenomenonTime": {
            "timeInstant": {
                "instant": "2003-08-05T00:00:00+02:00"
        "resultTime": {
            "timeInstant": {
                "instant": "2003-08-05T00:00:00+02:00"
        "result": 28.3,
        "observedProperty": {
            "name": "temperature",
            "def": "urn:ogc:def:parameter:x-istsos:1.0:temperature",
            "uom": "°C",
            "type": "http://www.opengis.net/def/observationType/OGC-OM/2.0/OM_Measurement"

Using PostgreSQL_unit

  1. Fetch Observation of any offering from istsos3 and change in_unit variable according to specific unit below script
  2. in_unit Lookup Table Lookup Table. If you want to define complex unit then you can add units as user defined unit in lookup table for making units conversion easy. istsos3/istsos/plugins/unit_conv_post/lookUpTable.py
    "data": {
        "offerings": ["belin"],
        "observedProperties": [
        "download_file": {
	    	"file_name": "testing3",
	    	"location": "istsos/plugins/unit_con_post/download_file/"
	    "operation": {
	    	"qty": "10",
	    	"unit": "degK"
	    "responseFormat": "application/json;subtype='array'"

Take Data as array, array2, vega and default data format as user specific unit after change subtype above script in responseFormat.

Remember if istsos3 give error there is no unit extension then create manually in istsos3 database in postgresql database using.
create extension unit;  

Unit Conversion in other specific units and perform operation with magnitude (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) in other specific units will work.


Properties types
Temperature °C, °K, °F, °R
Length mm, cm, in, ft, m, km, mi, fathom
Time ns, ms, s, min, h, d, week, month, year
Frequency Hz, mHz, kHz, MHz, GHz, THz, rpm, deg/s, radian/s
Speed mm/s, cm/s, m/s, m/h, in/s, ft/s, mi/h, knot
Area mm^2, cm^2, m^2, ha, km^2, in^2, ft^2, acre, mi^2
Volume mm^3, cm^3, m^3, in^3, ft^3, ml, l, kl, tsp, cup, qt, gal, yd^3
Mass mcg, mg, g, kg, oz, lb, mt, t
Flow mm^3/s, cm^3/s, cl/s, dl/s, ml/s, l/s, l/min/ l/h, kl/s, in^3/s, ft^3/s, tsp/s, cup/s, qt/s, gal/s, gal/min, yd^3/s
Pace s/m, min/m, s/ft, min/km
Storage byte, B, kB, KB, MB, GB, TB
Volumetric Analysis ppm, ppb, ppt
Volt mV, V, kV
Current A, mA, kA
Power mW, W, kW, MW, GW
Energy mWh, Wh, MWh, GWh, J, kJ
Angle deg, radian, arcmin, arcsec
Capacitance pC, nC, μC, mC, C
Force N, kN, lbf
Acceleration gravity, m/s^2

NOTE: For Regional and more units visit

NOTE:Temprature conversion don't use °C directly in operations because of it behaves difference between temprature as 1 °K so perform operations using °K.



    "data": {
        "offerings": ["belin"],
        "observedProperties": [
	    "operation": {
	    	"qty": "10",
	    	"unit": "°K"
	    "responseFormat": "application/json;subtype='array'"
Note: if qty is None it will be 0 (add, sub), 1 (mul, div).

Note: if unit is None it will be default uom.

Case 1: only in_unit exits.
  1. Only unit conversion take place and final uom will be in_unit.
Case 2: in_unit, operation, unit all are exits.
  1. First addition operation perform data.add(qty, unit).
  2. Then unit conversion take place and final uom will be in_unit.
Case 3: only operation, unit are exits.
  1. First addition operation perform data.add(qty, unit).


Note operation type : sub only change same as addition.


Note operation type : mul.

Case 1: only in_unit exits.
  1. Only unit conversion take place and final uom will be in_unit.
Case 2: in_unit, operation, unit all are exits.
  1. First multiplication operation perform data.mul(qty, unit).
  2. Then unit conversion take place and final uom will be in_unit * unit.
Case 3: in_unit, operation are exits.
  1. First multiplication operation perform data.mul(qty, in_unit).
  2. Then unit conversion take place and final uom will be in_unit * in_unit.
Case 4: only operation, unit are exits.
  1. Only multiplication take place and final uom will be default_uom * unit.


Note operation type : div only change same as multiplication.

Download CSV after unit conversion and operations

    "data": {
        "offerings": ["belin"],
        "observedProperties": [
        "download_file": {
	    	"file_name": "testing3",
	    	"location": "istsos/plugins/unit_con_post/download_file/"
	    "operation": {
	    	"qty": "10",
	    	"unit": "°F"
	    "responseFormat": "application/json;subtype='array'"


CSV file download after unit conversion and operations in files with all meta data and converted uom.
  • file_name not exits then file_name will be default offering.
  • location not exits then will be download on istsos3 root folder.

Using Pint

  1. Fetch Observation of any offering from istsos3 and change in_unit variable according to specific unit below script
  2. in_unit Lookup Table Lookup Table. If you want to define complex unit then you can add units as user defined unit in lookup table for making units conversion easy. istsos3/istsos/plugins/unit_conv_pint/lookUpTable.py

Note: Temprature conversion don’t use degC directly in operations because of it behaves difference between temprature as 1 °K so perform operations using °K.


sudo pip3 install pint

Use this post script for pint only for array type data.

    "data": {
        "offerings": ["belin"],
        "observedProperties": [
        "download_file": {
	    	"file_name": "pint1",
	    	"location": "istsos/plugins/unit_con_post/download_file/"
    	"operation": {
	    	"qty": "1",
	    	"unit": "degK"
        "responseFormat": "application/json;subtype='array'",

Some Specific Units using UNIT_CONVERSION_USING_PINT action.

Properties types
Temperature degC, degK, degF, degR
Length mm, cm, in, ft, m, km, mi, fathom
Time ns, ms, s, min, hour, day, week, month, year
Frequency Hz, mHz, kHz, MHz, GHz, THz, rpm, deg/s, rad/s
Speed mm/s, cm/s, m/s, m/h, in/s, ft/s, mi/h, knot
Area mm^2, cm^2, m^2, ha, km^2, in^2, ft^2, acre, mi^2
Volume mm^3, cm^3, m^3, in^3, ft^3, ml, l, kl, tsp, cup, qt, gal, yd^3
Mass mg, g, kg, oz, lb, mt, t
Flow mm^3/s, cm^3/s, cl/s, dl/s, ml/s, l/s, l/min/ l/h, kl/s, in^3/s, ft^3/s, tsp/s, cup/s, qt/s, gal/s, gal/min, yd^3/s
Pace s/m, min/m, s/ft, min/km
Storage bit, byte, B, kB, MB, GB, TB
Volt mV, V, kV
Current A, mA, kA
Power mW, W, kW, MW, GW
Energy mWh, Wh, MWh, GWh, J, kJ
Angle deg, radian, arcmin, arcsec
Capacitance pC, nC, μC, mC, C
Force N, kN, lbf
Acceleration gravity, m/s^2

NOTE: For Regional and more units visit


Take Data as array format as user specific unit after change subtype above script in responseFormat.

Thank You