
cat > pv.yml  :- copy the code from archietecture doc 
vi pv.yml :- paste the path and server i.e server ip which is of services.lab.com
oc create -f pv.yml 
11  oc get pv
cat > pvc.yml :- copy the copy or do through commands
vi pvc.yml 
oc create -f pvc.yml 
oc get pv,pvc :- check if they bound
oc get dc
oc edit dc docker-registry :- edit vloume claim name (pvc name)
      In DC of Docker-registry you go to the volumes and remove the empty dir from there and below the name type
        - name: docker-volumes
            claimName: mypvc
  #oc set volumes dc/docker-registry --name=registry-storage --add --overwrite -t pvc --claim-name=internal_pvc --claim-mode=RWM --claim-size=5Gi
oc get pods -w
oc get pods