
oc new-app --name mysysql1 --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=cetterede --env MYSQL_DATABASE=mydata --env                           MYSQL_USER=user1 --env MYSQL_PASSWORD=redhat  :- --docker-image is the internal registry image is used you can user only mysql:5.6 instide if that. --env is environment variable which a mandatory for mysql login.
104  oc get pods -w :- you can able to see you pods deployment.
105  oc get pods
106  oc exec -it mysysql1-1-n8jv8 bash
107  vi pv.yml  :- we have to attach pv and pvc for this so we are going to create a pv for it.
108  oc create -f pv.yml 
109  oc get pv
110  vi pvc.yml 
111  oc create -f pvc.yml 
112  oc get pv,pvc
113  oc get dc
114  oc edit dc mysysql1  :- here we have to edit persistent volume claim name :- 
          - name: mysql-volume-1
              claimName: myclaim
115  oc get pods -w
116  oc get pods
117  vi pv.yml 
118  oc create -f pv.yml 
119  oc get pv
120  vi pvc.yml 
121  oc create -f pvc.yml 
122  oc get pv,pvc
123  wget :- fetched file.
124  ls
125  docker load -i wordpress.tar 
126  docker images
127  docker tag
128  docker images
129  docker push
131  oc new-app --name wordpress --env DB_HOST=mysql --env DB_PASSWORD=cetterede
132  oc get pods -w
133  oc logs -f wordpress-1-g92bw 
134  oc set volumes --help
135  oc get pv,pvc
136  history 
137  oc get pods 
138  oc create sa mysa  :- deu to privileged port we need to bind them, hence we have to create a service account for this.
139  oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z mysa :- adding policy to the servife account.
140  oc get dc
141  oc edit dc wordpress 
142  oc get pods -w
143  oc get posds
144  oc get pods
145  oc get svc
146  oc get dc
147  oc edit dc wordpress 
148  oc get pods -w
149  oc get pods
150  oc get svc
151  oc expose svc wordpress 
152  oc get route
153  oc get pods
155  oc get svc