On correctness of assumption enforcement

This repository contains the code base for the paper "On correctness of assumption enforcement".


  • Frama-C-snapshot
  • Example

The directory Frama-C-snapshot contains the customized version of Frama-C to generate local proof implication using the method presented in the paper. The directory Example contains the code for the case study.


Since the tool is a non-standard version of Frama-C, it is recommended to use opam to install dependencies and then compile the source:

  • Clone the code in this repository
  • Install opam
  • Install the customized Frama-C using the following commands where dir is the path to the directory Frama-C-snapshot:
    opam install depext
    opam depext frama-c
    opam install --deps-only frama-c
    opam pin add --kind=path frama-c <dir> 
    opam install frama-c

Then go to the directory Frama-C-snapshot/src/plugins/qed and Frama-C-snapshot/src/plugins/wp and execute the command below:

    make clean; make; make install

More information can be found in the GitHub page of Frama-C: Installation of Frama-C

Execution of the example program

After executing the following command, the proof obligation will be printed to the file output.txt.

  frama-c -wp-msg-key "VCGen" -wp find_iter_L1.c > output.txt