
Perl is shiny

Primary LanguagePerl

Perl is shiny!


This is the source repository for https://shinyperl.com.

A website to showcase nice and small examples of Perl code that do simple things.


If you think something is wrong, please file an issue.

If you want to add a snippet of shiny perl add a pull request with an addition in the snippets directory.

Snippet format

The intention is that any file in the snippet should be able to execute and be valid.

The format is basically:

#!/usr/bin/env perl # [% title = 'Title of snippet'; BLOCK code %]

… Valid Perl code …

#! [% END %]

The file will be processed by Template::Toolkit and auto-generated into index.html which in turn will be served as-is.


./build.sh # To generate a new index.html. Template::Toolkit's tpage command has to be in path


prove -lvr t # To check syntax (potential modules might need to be installed