
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Forked for Disnake Compatibility

This fork is currently in development and may be not working as of now. Commits are for update purposes to keep track.

This is what you should expect to this fork:

  • Support for disnake (obviously)
  • Slight improvements to pagination.
  • Music rewording, slight improvements. Please check out DisnakeWavelink.
  • Full usage of buttons instead of reactions (or I can provide both idk)
  • Invite Tracker


A very useful library made to be used in with disnake


pip install git+https://github.com/raianah/DisnakeUtils

Requires disnake and/or disnake[voice] so make sure you have all dependencies of it installed.

Example code


from disnake import Embed
import DisnakeUtils

async def paginate(ctx):
    embed1 = Embed(color=ctx.author.color).add_field(name="Example", value="Page 1")
    embed2 = Embed(color=ctx.author.color).add_field(name="Example", value="Page 2")
    embed3 = Embed(color=ctx.author.color).add_field(name="Example", value="Page 3")
    paginator = DisnakeUtils.Pagination.AutoEmbedPaginator(ctx)
    embeds = [embed1, embed2, embed3]
    await paginator.run(embeds)


from disnake import Embed
import DisnakeUtils

async def paginate(ctx):
    embed1 = Embed(color=ctx.author.color).add_field(name="Example", value="Page 1")
    embed2 = Embed(color=ctx.author.color).add_field(name="Example", value="Page 2")
    embed3 = Embed(color=ctx.author.color).add_field(name="Example", value="Page 3")
    paginator = DisnakeUtils.Pagination.CustomEmbedPaginator(ctx)
    paginator.add_reaction('⏮️', "first")
    paginator.add_reaction('⏪', "back")
    paginator.add_reaction('🔴', "lock")
    paginator.add_reaction('⏩', "next")
    paginator.add_reaction('⏭️', "last")
    paginator.add_reaction('🗑️', "delete")
    embeds = [embed1, embed2, embed3]
    await paginator.run(embeds)


import disnake
from disnake.ext import commands
import DisnakeUtils

intents = disnake.intents.default()
intents.members = True
bot = commands.AutoShardedBot(command_prefix=">", intents=intents)
tracker = DisnakeUtils.InviteTracker(bot)

async def on_member_join(member):
    inviter = await tracker.fetch_inviter(member) # inviter is the member who invited


import disnake
from disnake.ext import commands
import DisnakeUtils

bot = commands.AutoShardedBot(command_prefix=">")
music = DisnakeUtils.Music()

async def join(ctx):
    await ctx.author.voice.channel.connect() #Joins author's voice channel
async def leave(ctx):
    await ctx.voice_client.disconnect()
async def play(ctx, *, url):
    player = music.get_player(guild_id=ctx.guild.id)
    if not player:
        player = music.create_player(ctx, ffmpeg_error_betterfix=True)
    if not ctx.voice_client.is_playing():
        await player.queue(url, search=True)
        song = await player.play()
        await ctx.send(f"Playing {song.name}")
        song = await player.queue(url, search=True)
        await ctx.send(f"Queued {song.name}")
async def pause(ctx):
    player = music.get_player(guild_id=ctx.guild.id)
    song = await player.pause()
    await ctx.send(f"Paused {song.name}")
async def resume(ctx):
    player = music.get_player(guild_id=ctx.guild.id)
    song = await player.resume()
    await ctx.send(f"Resumed {song.name}")
async def stop(ctx):
    player = music.get_player(guild_id=ctx.guild.id)
    await player.stop()
    await ctx.send("Stopped")
async def loop(ctx):
    player = music.get_player(guild_id=ctx.guild.id)
    song = await player.toggle_song_loop()
    if song.is_looping:
        await ctx.send(f"Enabled loop for {song.name}")
        await ctx.send(f"Disabled loop for {song.name}")
async def queue(ctx):
    player = music.get_player(guild_id=ctx.guild.id)
    await ctx.send(f"{', '.join([song.name for song in player.current_queue()])}")
async def np(ctx):
    player = music.get_player(guild_id=ctx.guild.id)
    song = player.now_playing()
    await ctx.send(song.name)
async def skip(ctx):
    player = music.get_player(guild_id=ctx.guild.id)
    data = await player.skip(force=True)
    if len(data) == 2:
        await ctx.send(f"Skipped from {data[0].name} to {data[1].name}")
        await ctx.send(f"Skipped {data[0].name}")

async def volume(ctx, vol):
    player = music.get_player(guild_id=ctx.guild.id)
    song, volume = await player.change_volume(float(vol) / 100) # volume should be a float between 0 to 1
    await ctx.send(f"Changed volume for {song.name} to {volume*100}%")
async def remove(ctx, index):
    player = music.get_player(guild_id=ctx.guild.id)
    song = await player.remove_from_queue(int(index))
    await ctx.send(f"Removed {song.name} from queue")

For further information please read the docs





Please make sure that you are on the latest version of DisnakeUtils and youtube_dl before contacting for support

Email me (raianah.twilight@gmail.com) for support.