
A music streaming web application built with React and TypeScript, and it uses Next.js for server-side rendering.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Project Overview

This project is a music streaming web application built with React and TypeScript, and it uses Next.js for server-side rendering. The application allows users to upload, search for songs, like songs, and view their library of liked songs.

Key Features

  • User Authentication: The application includes an AuthModal component for user authentication.
  • Music Library: Users can view their music library in the Library component.
  • Song Search: Users can search for songs using the getSongsByTitle action.
  • Song Liking: Users can like songs using the LikeButton component.

Project Structure

The project is organized into several directories:

  • actions: This directory contains TypeScript files for various actions, such as fetching songs by title or ID, and fetching liked songs.
  • app: This directory contains the main application components, including error handling, global styles, and page layouts.
  • components: This directory contains reusable React components, such as buttons, headers, and input fields.
  • hooks: This directory contains custom React hooks for managing state and side effects.
  • providers: This directory contains context providers for state management.
  • public: This directory contains public assets like images and fonts.
  • types: This directory contains TypeScript type definitions used throughout the project.

Visualization of the repo

Visualization of this repo


Next 13.4 React Vercel Supabase PostgreSQL Tailwind

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Key Features:

  • Audio upload
  • Supabase and PostgreSQL Database handling
  • Tailwind design for sleek UI
  • Tailwind animations and transition effects
  • Full responsiveness for all devices
  • Credential authentication with Supabase
  • Github and Google authentication integration
  • File and image upload using Supabase storage
  • Client form validation and handling using react-hook-form
  • Server error handling with react-toast
  • Play audio
  • Favorites system
  • Playlists / Liked songs system
  • Advanced Player component, with seek and stored volume control
  • POST, GET, and DELETE routes in route handlers (app/api)
  • Data Fetching in React server components by directly accessing the database without the need of API's
  • Handling relations between Server and Child components in a real-time environment

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.