
MERN fullstack application developed for local farmers to sell customized packages of produce online.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Farm to Table

License: MIT

Table of Contents

Live Link



Farm to Table is a web application that is also made to be highly mobile responsive. It currently connects users to a farm where they can reserve products like fresh meats, fruits, vegetables and dairies. The application is built with an admin side to allow the farmer who is selling their products be able to add, edit and delete what is for sale. The admin also has to ability to mark something as "Out of Season" which will keep the product in their database but will not display it to users. The application features a functioning cart that can be edited and updated dynamically. In the near future we hope to add the ability to have multiple farms able to set up accounts in our application to broaden products and their availability.



home page


home page


Technology Stack

Server Side: javascript, bcrypt, .env, jsonwebtokens, mjml, node-sass, nodemailer, nodemon, nodemailer-express-handlebars, mongoose

Client Side: javascript, axios, jsonwebtokens, mjml, node-sass, nodemailer-express-handlebars, prop-types, react, react-dom, react-router-dom, react-scripts, react-toastify, web-vitals, moment.js

Database: MongoDB


For any questions or inquiries please contact us at,

Melanie Bostwick

Stephany Bolivar

Rashawn Raiford

Robert Anderson

Robert Anderson

