Getting Started

I did a MERN stack project. Below I am exploring about it. If any suggestion you have, please write down in comment section.

Available Scripts

Here I am learning about how to create an admin panel, a dashboard. how to toggle for a normal user & an admin. The technologies I've used here -

  1. React.js
  2. React-Bootstrap
  3. React Hook Form
  4. React-Router
  5. React Rating
  6. React Googlebutton
  7. Sweetalert2 - for modal
  8. Fontawesome
  9. Google-font
  10. Firebase-authentication system! 11.JWT-token
  11. MongoDB
  12. Boostrap-5
  13. Node.js
  14. Express.js

Website funtionality & Up Comeing Features-

✅ you can visit the website components without reloading ✅ can buy a service ✅ can visit your cart ✅ can delete any of order as your wish ✅ there is a dashboard for normal user & for admin ✅ an user can give a review ✅ an admin can update a service status & can make a admin too ✅ an admin also can delete any service he wants ✅ can sign in with google & can register a account

for login as an admin- username - admin password - ***( For password DM me)

▪️Client site github - ▪️Server site github -

🌐 live site -

There may so many bug, may be not a good UI or not have so many functionality. but as a new learner it's nothing but a learning purpose for me.

Let me know your feedback, how can i improve more 🎯