Website Live Link

What I have used

  • react-bootstrap & bootstrap
  • react router-dom
  • react font-awesome
  • firebase

Project Description

  • Project Name: HillTown Resort
  • Home,Slider,Services,About us,online service,sign in,sign up,Spesialists and simple navbar parts of the projects.
  • Books ,Services & Services details Users will be able to login to the page.If you are not logged in, you will be taken to the login page to login
  • Hilltown has shown what services it provides.
  • Useing Firebase for Sign in and SignIn
  • Something new will be added gradually day by day
  • Animation has been used on the Not-Found page.
  • hover uses card ,icon and navbar.
  • all data load form heruku live hosting
  • if youn want you will add a services
  • you will see manage orders ,you can delete (please delete arter refresh)
  • iam trying to best and i will add new something in future.
  • you can booking a room

Private Route and other future

  • all services .
  • Dashboard have 3 parts (add new services,manage booking order and delete manage order)