
🍚 no place like $HOME

Primary LanguageShell



This repo is a collection of my dotfiles. I mainly develop/study for Android (Kotlin, any), and Web with (Javascript, PHP, any). These may impact how my editors are configured.

Initial Setup

# setup the ssh key for git
email="<your email>"
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "${email}"

# clone and make a new directory (for me)
git clone git@github.com:raihanadf/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles

# install (you better not do this)
cd ~/.dotfiles


some information about my setup:

Issues on my main machine

  • June 20ish 2023
    • dwm cool_autostart patch *SIGTERM signal doesn't kill all running bash scripts for some reason
      • maybe systemd causes it
    • possible solution:
      • downgrade all packages to specific date (05/06/2023 or 20/06/2023)
      • ^might break the setup