
Rofi VSCode-like Command Palette

Primary LanguageShell

< man, i hate all these keybindings >
       \   ,__,
        \  (oo)____
           (__)    )\
              ||--|| *


"Rofi Command Palette" takes an inspiration from VSCode's command palette that has everything included including your custom commands and it fuzzy searches it.


  • Uses .yaml file for configuration file so that you can no longer have the need to escape double quotes or something that needs it.
  • Run as sudo implementation


  1. First add an initial config, it's up to you where to place it. Name it whatever you want, but the default one will be read on ~/.rofi-commands.yaml. Heres an example on how it should look:
- name: Sleep
  confirm: true
  command: systemctl suspend

- name: Another Command
  run_as_sudo: true
  command: notify-send "Hello, World!"
  1. Launch command-palette.sh.
  2. And it's done, now you can bind it to some key like $mod (alt or command key) + shift + p on sxhkd or something.

-- YAML Options --

  • name: used for the command's name.
  • confirm: used for indicating the command that it needs to be confirmed first (confirmation y/n).
  • run_as_sudo: used for indicating that the command has to be ran as root.
  • command: commands that will be executed.

Thanks to

  • myrmidon for the "inspiration". I literally copy-pasted all it's code and then rewrite it with yq (even tho i only modified it a little, for example; running with sudo and .yaml replacement)
  • rofi for being a wonderful dmenu replacement
  • yq for command-line YAML, JSON, XML, CSV, TOML and properties processor.