
12 hours worth of JS madness

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JavaScript Practice

Start: 2022/07/03 End: 2022/08/25

12 hours of JavaScript Basics

Total time spent:


Navigate to Interface folder and start the live server there.


Folder Description File
Basics Recalling all the basics basics.js


Folder Description File
DOM DOM Manupilation red-yellow-green
Function Sum function sum.js
Classes 1. Car class classCar
- 2. Bank class bankClass


No. File name File
1 Hours -> Seconds hourstoseconds.js
2 Actor NetWorth sumNetworth.js
3 Click with DOM Check it on Replit
4 Tip Calculator tip-calculator
5 Weather Score weatherScore.js
6 Rock Paper Sissors rockpapersissors
7 Random Dog randomdog-api
8 Super Hero (not working) superHero
9 Promises (Async/Await) Promises
10 Weather App weather-app

Advanced JS

No. Folder Link
1 Fighting Game (buggy) Click here
2 Netflix Clone Click here


JS Projects

No. Folder Link
1 Apps Scripts Navigate