
SAC gradients weighted inconsistently

hartikainen opened this issue · 0 comments

Also, I'm reading this again and isn't there supposed to be a tf.nn.compute_average_loss before calculating and applying the gradient?

with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
actions, log_pis = self._policy.actions_and_log_probs(observations)
Qs_log_targets = tuple(
Q.values(observations, actions) for Q in self._Qs)
Q_log_targets = tf.reduce_min(Qs_log_targets, axis=0)
policy_losses = self._alpha * log_pis - Q_log_targets
(actions, ('B', 'nA')),
(log_pis, ('B', 1)),
(policy_losses, ('B', 1)),
policy_gradients = tape.gradient(
policy_losses, self._policy.trainable_variables)
policy_gradients, self._policy.trainable_variables))

Originally posted by @externalhardrive in #136 (comment)