
Migrate Off Legacy Things - open-source tooling to assist migrations to CockroachDB.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Go Tests

Migrate Off Legacy Things is CockroachDB's suite of tools to assist migrations. This repo contains any open-source MOLT tooling.

Certain packages can be re-used by external tools and are subject to the Apache License.


All commands require molt to be built. Example:

# Build molt for the local machine (goes to artifacts/molt)
go build -o artifacts/molt .

# Cross compiling.
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -v -o artifacts/molt .

Verification Tooling

molt verify does the following:

  • Verifies that tables between the two data sources are the same.
  • Verifies that table column definitions between the two data sources are the same.
  • Verifies that tables contain the row values between data sources.

It currently supports PostgreSQL and MySQL comparisons with CockroachDB.

It takes in two or more JDBC connection strings as arguments. For names that are easy to read, append <name>=== in front of the jdbc string. The first argument is optimised to be read as the "source of truth".

# Compare two postgres instances, with simplified naming for both instances.
molt verify \
  'pg_truth===postgres://user:pass@url:5432/db' \

# Compare mysql and postgres.
molt verify \
  'mysql===jdbc:mysql://root@tcp(localhost:3306)/defaultdb' \

See molt verify --help for all available parameters.


  • Splitting a table by shard only works for int, uuid and float types.
  • We page 20000 rows at a time, but row values can change in between. Temporary blips in data consistency can be expected.
  • MySQL enums and set types are not supported.
  • Supports only comparing one MySQL database vs a whole CRDB schema (which is assumed to be "public").
  • Geospatial types cannot yet be compared.
  • We do not handle schema changes between commands well.

Local Setup

Running Tests

  • Ensure a local postgres instance is setup and can be logged in using postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/testdb (this can be overriden with the POSTGRES_URL env var):
CREATE USER 'postgres' PASSWORD 'postgres' ADMIN;
  • Ensure a local, insecure CockroachDB instance is setup (this can be overriden with the COCKROACH_URL env var): cockroach demo --insecure --empty.
  • Ensure a local MySQL is setup with username root and an empty password, with a defaultdb database setup (this can be overriden with the MYSQL_URL env var):
  • Run the tests: go test ./....
    • Data-driven tests can be run with -rewrite, e.g. go test ./verification -rewrite.