- 0
Process hangs on spring
#731 opened by alexevanczuk - 8
Spring 4.2.0 crashing when running rake
#716 opened by fschwahn - 11
using spring does not work from subdirectories
#644 opened by ccutrer - 0
- 0
- 0
Client timeout causes server crash
#724 opened by f1sherman - 3
- 0
no implicit conversion of nil into String
#718 opened by bubbaspaarx - 0
Bug: undefined method `hide_cursor' for Reline::GeneralIO:Class (NoMethodError)
#717 opened by williantenfen - 5
Periodically auto restart
#670 opened by mollerhoj - 1
Mac forking error
#702 opened by HashNotAdam - 3
Cannot detect if Spring is running
#634 opened by zofrex - 3
- 0
- 13
Mac fork() fatal error
#606 opened by ecbrodie - 2
Server leaks memory
#693 opened by der-flo - 1
spring binstub modifier does not check for class presence
#695 opened by jjb - 0
Unable to Ctrl C out of errored rails console
#689 opened by dombarnes - 10
Processes just hang with Spring 4.0
#663 opened by coding-red-panda - 4
Bundler::GemNotFound when starting running `rails` commands when Gemfile has changed dependencies
#677 opened by technicalpickles - 1
Cut new gem to include latest fix to `digest`
#680 opened by yjukaku - 2
`rails db:system:change` command fails via spring
#678 opened by inayuky - 6
- 0
- 1
spring 4.0.0 bundles with rails < 6.0
#671 opened by AdnanTheExcellent - 2
spring 4.0.0 gets hanged with rails 6.1
#673 opened by siddhant-mohan - 5
Unable to start rails console
#668 opened by darkBuddha - 12
- 1
- 0
NoMethodError when invoking `rails` command without arguments (undefined method `start_with?' for nil:NilClass)
#666 opened by mernen - 2
"spring binstub --all" contradicts what Rails 6.1.0 "rails new" recommends
#637 opened by mattbrictson - 0
Freebsd terminal detach minor problem
#660 opened by oklas - 6
Spring taking minutes to run on MacOS with M1 Chip
#635 opened by yv3s - 1
Should a Puma server started from feature tests on Rails 6 fork from a Spring process?
#657 opened by maxwell - 2
Spring will attempt to sanitize a backtrace even if it's frozen (Spring/dry-monads incompatibility)
#609 opened by johnmaxwell - 1
- 3
Spring is not bypassed in production
#646 opened by dzhlobo - 2
Support for gems.rb is causing a NameError for the `Bundler` constant in generators
#624 opened by elia - 11
Pegging CPU core on Apple M1 processor
#636 opened by henryaj - 7
Spring uses AS::Dependencies.mechanism=
#649 opened by fxn - 2
Is Ruby 2.7 supported?
#625 opened by aergonaut - 8
Rails - Can't run rails server with spring gem
#610 opened by wowremywang - 2
- 0
- 2
Spring does not preserve Rails root as current directory thus making impossible to run tests from a subfolder
#641 opened by mlt - 2
Something wrong with the 2.1.0 release
#622 opened by n-rodriguez - 1
spring doubles the env size, sometimes causing "Argument list too long" error
#626 opened by michaelglass - 0
Showing a deprecation warning when running the bundle install for deployment
#620 opened by anoobbava - 2
rails master with spring master fails to start
#613 opened by scottjg - 0
[Solved: Upgrade to Rails 6] Spring app starts to use 100% CPU after I run some specs
#608 opened by ndbroadbent