Rails Girls Manila


Rails Girls is a global effort to help girls learn programming and the Ruby on Rails framework.

This guide is written primarily for Rails Girls Manila participants. It was written for beginners and those who have some experience in programming but have not tried Ruby on Rails.

Getting Started

The coaches should help in case anything fails.

Choosing a Relational Database Management System

With ActiveRecord, it's possible to use any popular RDBMS. That includes MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite3.

Coaches should guide participants on what to use.


  • For Windows users, please refer to this guide:

    Installing MySQL on Windows 7

    An alternative is to use XAMPP instead of RailsInstaller. You might still need to look at the guide above to get MySQL2 gem working.

    // install the MySQL2 Library

      gem install mysql2
  • For Ubuntu/ Debian users

    // install MySQL

      sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.1 libmysqlclient15-dev

    // install the MySQL2 Library

      gem install mysql2
  • For Mac OS X users

    // install MySQL

      brew install mysql

    or Download from MySQL website and install.

    // install the MySQL2 Library

      gem install mysql2
  • For those using RVM (on either Mac or Linux), it would help to upgrade to Ruby 1.9.3 patchlevel 327 if you don't already use it.

    // Upgrade

      rvm get latest
      rvm reinstall 1.9.3


  • For Ubuntu/ Debian users

    //install MySQL

      sudo apt-get install postgresql-client

    // install the PG library

      gem install pg
  • For Mac OS X users

    // install PostgreSQL

      brew install posgtresql
      brew info postgresql

    // install the PG library

      gem install pg

Is it working?

You should see errors when you try to start the server.

    rails s

Learning about environments

We normally work in at least three different environments: development, test and production. Under certain circumstances, another environment called "staging" exists. Rails intuitively gives us the option to add these staging environment by replicating the production environment config.

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