
A curated list of awesome things related to Railway

Awesome Railway Awesome

A curated list of awesome resources related to Railway.




A blog where the team at Railway publish new posts every week. The topics covered range from starters to how they work to engineering problems solved while building Railway.


The Railway button allows users to create links to Github repositories that can be cloned and deployed on Railway. Users can also configure the required plugins and environment variables.


A list of available jobs can be viewed on the jobs page hosted on Notion.


The Railway team uses Discord to interact with users. It is also the best way to reach out to the team for help with any issues.



Railway has an open feedback board to track feature requests and bug reports.


Railway maintains a collection of starters that can be deployed in one-click. Users can deploy them instantly in one-click by choosing one on the starters page.


  • OG image generator: The OG image generator is a service for dynamically generating Open Graph images. It is used to generate the OG images for all the starters and plugins. (Source code)
  • Devicons: Devicons is a service that returns common developer-related icons for an input query. (Source code)


Built on Railway

A list of projects hosted on Railway.

  • Long-term visas: A platform built to help people relocate or immigrate to a new country by empowering them with all the information and support they would need.
  • Gradient Avatars: Generate gradient profile images based on some text
  • Discord Welcome-Bot: A multi-purpose discord bot that helps you monitor (welcome and goodbye logs), moderate (kick or ban users who spam your server), etc. (Source code)

Community starters

A list of starters built by the community using the Railway button.

  • Discord.js Slash Commands: A fully customizable starter for Discord.js V13.
  • Healthchecker: Healthchecker is a simple application to periodically send HTTP requests to an endpoint. If the endpoint returns an error, the application is marked as unhealthy and a notification is sent to Discord.
  • Logs: Logs is a service for maintaining personal logs by DM-ing a bot on Telegram. (Demo)
  • Scheduler: Scheduler is a simple job scheduler and CRON system, meant to be run as a singleton on Railway. Applications can schedule future jobs to be executed, and receive webhooks for firing CRON jobs.


A list of community-maintained utilities for everything Railway.

  • Setup Railway CLI Action - A GitHub action to set up Railway CLI through either npm global install and install script for Linux and macOS. Additional features like version locking and building from source will be available in the future.


A list of videos showcasing the use of Railway.

  • Coding on an iPad: In this video, Joe Previte, an engineer at Coder, demonstrates how to deploy code-server (VSCode in the browser) to be able to access his environment from anywhere and write code on an iPad.
  • Moving a Django website from Heroku to Railway: In this video, Dennis demonstrates how to move a Django app that was hosted on Heroku to Railway.