
CLI still using legacy plugin-related commands / terminology

lucas-de-lima opened this issue · 5 comments

As you can see in the image, I need to do the command: railway add -p mysql to add the MySQL plugin to my project.
However, it asks to log in, says that I am not actorized, even though I have already logged in before.
I repeat Login and still receive the unauthorized message.
I tried other alternative commands for railway add, but to no avail.
(I don't know which data is really sensitive so I hid what I thought was best hidden.)

The image below has more details of what I tried to do.

I'm in the Ubuntu environment with WSL on Windows
latest version of railway installed


Hello, @lucas-de-lima! Thanks for your submission.

Our team will respond soon. If you need more immediate help, try our Forum or our Discord. Thanks!

Hi! Thanks for submitting this. This does appear to be a bug. We recently changed the pattern for deploying databases on Railway. They are no longer plugins but services. I think the CLI will need to get updated to reflect this. "plugins" are no longer part of the Railway ecosystem. Instead we have "services"

This is happening with the railway add -p MySQL as well:

Looks like railway cli is bugged totally :(

try running railway link and linking it to the service then see what happens please