
Demonstrating a Next.js issue with custom 404 page and middleware

Primary LanguageCSS

Demonstrates how Next.js custom 404 page is broken when there is a Middleware present. See vercel/next.js#44919 to track status of this issue and inform me if it gets fixes, please.

In this case the middleware "does nothing", i.e. consist of

export function middleware(request) {
  return NextResponse.next();

How the problem manifests

Yet, if you

yarn dev

... and navigate to http://localhost:3000/page-not-found, you'll be presented with an error Error: Invariant: attempted to hard navigate to the same URL /page-not-found http://localhost:3000/page-not-found.

How the problem manifests

Yet, if you

yarn build && yarn start

... and navigate to http://localhost:3000/page-not-found, you can see that the custom 404 page was rendered with missing static props.

Very bad.

How to hide the problem

If you remove the middleware.js file altogether, the 404 page starts working.

So, you can have either Middleware or a working 404 page. Choose wisely :)

My other application

In my actual application which is not open-source and is a bit more involved as you might guess, the problem looks a bit different.

  • When running yarn dev the 404 page keeps constantly reloading in the browser
  • When running yarn build && yarn start the 404 page is fine - except it was rendered without the getStaticProps

I hope though that this repository serves to demostrate that something is definitely wrong with Next.js 13.1.5.