
Create a Word Guess command-line game using constructor functions

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Create a Word Guess command-line game using constructor functions

##Overview This is a command face interface version of a Word Guess Game similar to Hangman.

##Installs You will need to install inquirer or prompt to take in user input.

##Step-By-Step Letter.js: Contains a constructor, Letter. This constructor should be able to either display an underlying character or a blank placeholder (such as an underscore), depending on whether or not the user has guessed the letter. That means the constructor should define:

  • A string value to store the underlying character for the letter

  • A boolean value that stores whether that letter has been guessed yet

  • A function that returns the underlying character if the letter has been guessed, or a placeholder (like an underscore) if the letter has not been guessed

  • A function that takes a character as an argument and checks it against the underlying character, updating the stored boolean value to true if it was guessed correctly

Word.js: Contains a constructor, Word that depends on the Letter constructor. This is used to create an object representing the current word the user is attempting to guess. That means the constructor should define:

  • An array of new Letter objects representing the letters of the underlying word

  • A function that returns a string representing the word. This should call the function on each letter object (the first function defined in Letter.js) that displays the character or an underscore and concatenate those together.

  • A function that takes a character as an argument and calls the guess function on each letter object (the second function defined in Letter.js)

index.js: The file containing the logic for the course of the game, which depends on Word.js and:

  • Randomly selects a word and uses the Word constructor to store it

  • Prompts the user for each guess and keeps track of the user's remaining guesses

Letter.js should not require any other files.

Word.js should only require Letter.js