
Simple app to search for and display selected buses

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple app to search for and display selected buses

  • Task

  • Create a script that will pull data from a remote source JSON feed, transform it,

  • output a different JSON feed matching a specific schema.

  • This should execute when running npm start and should log output to the console.

  • Source:

    • http://developer.itsmarta.com/BRDRestService/RestBusRealTimeService/GetAllBus
  • Output 1:

  • A valid JSON string representing an array with the following properties for each route

         "route": String,
         "lat": String,
         "long": String,
         "timepoint": String
  • Output 2:

  • Create a Web app that

    1. takes a Marta Bus route as an input

    2. displays buses that are currently on that route in a map

    • (preference is to use Google Maps but other map providers are also accepted)
  • Other information and guidelines: