Best fonts for programming

  1. Aurulent: my favorite font, it looks like written by Lamy-pen, add missing glyphs from fira code;
  2. Fira Code 1.206: medium as bold. You can get italic style from;
  3. Consolas: hinted,a better version for Win 7;
  4. Liberation Mono: it has 2700+ glyphs, version 2.00.3 is last version has vertical "l";
  5. Droid Sans Mono: Android official monospace font, it is most legible font for reading IMO, so use it for long reading;
  6. Source Code Pro: medium as regular, the medium looks like written by art fountain pen, the official default hint is really beautiful.
  7. M+ font: cool font for terminal, download from here

The copyright of all these fonts belongs to their authors!

Tips: use the unhinted font when your screen has high ppi(2K).