
shell scripts and dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

Rainbow Watcher's personal scripts

Quick Start

Write it to your ~/.zshrc to enable those scripts.

# if you want to enable proxy
source $SCRIPTS_ROOT/main.zsh all

❗ Attension

  • Remember to change the proxy port number to you own.
  • You better install zoxide, eza, ripgrep, fnm, node, jq, gum through below command.
brew install zoxide eza ripgrep fnm node jq gum



  • ..: cd ..
  • ...: cd ../..
  • ls: eza --group-directories-first
  • lsa: ls -a
  • lt: ls -lhF --time-style long-iso -s time
  • ll: ls -lhF --time-style long-iso
  • lg: ls -lbGahF --time-style long-iso
  • lx: ls -lbhHigUmuSa@ --time-style
  • zshrc: code ~/.zshrc
  • rm: trash
  • cp: cp -i
  • mv: mv -i
  • fdd: fd -Ht d
  • fdf: fd -Ht f
  • public_ip: dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com
  • local_ip: ipconfig getifaddr en0
  • ips: ifconfig -a \| grep -oE inet6? (addr:)?\s?((([0-9]+.){3}[0-9]+)\|[a-fA-F0-9:]+) \| awk {sub(/inet6? (addr:)? ?/, \\); print}


  • gaa: git add .
  • gba: git branch -a
  • gbd: git branch --delete
  • gbrn: git branch -m
  • gc: git commit -m
  • gca: git commit -am
  • gcam: git commit --amend --no-edit
  • gcat: git cat-file
  • gcf: git config -l
  • gcl1: git clone --depth 1
  • gcl: git clone
  • gcln: git clean -xdf
  • gdf: git difftool
  • gho: git hash-object
  • gl: git log --oneline --cherry
  • gll: git log --graph --cherry --pretty
  • gtl: git tag -l
  • gtd: git tag -d
  • gp: git push
  • gpl: git pull
  • gs: git switch
  • gsl: git shortlog
  • gst: git status -s


  • showfiles: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool true && killall Finder
  • hidefiles: defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool false && killall Finder
  • spotlightoff: sudo mdutil -a -i off
  • spotlighton: sudo mdutil -a -i on


  • npm

  • pip



  1. update_node
  2. update_node_global_pkg
  3. update_rust
  4. update_python
  5. global_update
  6. clean_maven
  7. clean_aira2
  8. clean_ds_store
  9. global_clean
  10. clear_downloads
  11. gi
  12. major
  13. zsh_time
  14. cht


  1. install_node_package
  2. setup_eslint_config
  3. init_tsconfig



  1. get_status_code


  1. set_npm_proxy
  2. unset_npm_proxy
  3. set_npm_mirror
  4. reset_npm_mirror
  5. set_cli_proxy
  6. unset_cli_proxy
  7. set_git_proxy
  8. unset_git_proxy
  9. set_pip_mirror
  10. reset_pip_mirror
  11. set_docker_mirror
  12. set_rustup_mirror
  13. reset_rustup_mirror
  14. set_cargo_proxy
  15. unset_cargo_proxy
  16. set_cargo_mirror
  17. reset_cargo_mirror
  18. proxy
  19. unproxy
  20. reset_brew_mirror
  21. set_brew_mirror
  22. set_v2ray_route



  1. _calc_ram
  2. ram
  3. dud
  4. dua
  5. dun
  6. port
  7. pid