
Get information client with getdatareport (Plugin)

Primary LanguagePHP


Script in PHP+JS for get information of target through a web application, use $_SERVER functions and JS functions for get information of our client.

Plugin (WEBApps)

in some web applications need to collect information from the client to perform tasks with this plugin will be easier to work with the variables you need.

$data = new GetDataPlugin();
echo "<br>IP               ".$data->ip();
echo "<br>Operative System ".$data->os();
echo "<br>Browser          ".$data->browser();
echo "<br>Screen height    ".$data->height();
echo "<br>Screen width     ".$data->width();
echo "<br>Java enabled     ".$data->javaenabled();
echo "<br>Cookie enabled   ".$data->cookieenabled();
echo "<br>Language         ".$data->language();
echo "<br>Architecture     ".$data->architecture();
echo "<br>Device           ".$data->device();
echo "<br>Country          ".$data->geo('country');
echo "<br>Region           ".$data->geo('region');
echo "<br>Continent        ".$data->geo('continent');
echo "<br>City             ".$data->geo('city');
echo "<br>Logitude         ".$data->geo('logitude');
echo "<br>Latitude         ".$data->geo('latitude');
echo "<br>Currency         ".$data->geo('currency');
echo "<br>Provetor         ".$data->provetor();
echo "<br>Agent            ".$data->agent();
echo "<br>Referer          ".$data->referer();
echo "<br>Date             ".$data->getdate();