Grails View Components Plugin
A Grails plugin for creating reusable, testable and encapsulated view components.
Grails Version
- Grails 4.1.2
Adding Adding grails-plugin-view-components
plugin to the build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
classpath "org.grails:grails-gradle-plugin:$grailsVersion"
classpath "org.grails.plugins:views-gradle:2.0.4" // In Grails 5: using 2.3.2
apply plugin: "org.grails.grails-gsp"
apply plugin: "org.grails.plugins.views-markup" // Need to build Grails Markup Views
repositories {
dependencies {
// Grails 4
compile "org.rainboyan.plugins:grails-plugin-view-components:0.0.1"
// Grails 5
implementation "org.rainboyan.plugins:grails-plugin-view-components:0.0.1"
Let's start create some Components, ButtonComponent
in grails-app/components
├── grails-app
│ ├── assets
│ ├── components
│ │ └── demo
│ │ ├── ButtonComponent.groovy
│ │ └── CardComponent.groovy
│ └── views
│ └── components
│ ├── button
│ │ └── button_component.gml
│ └── card
│ └── card_component.gml
is just a POGO, we define attribues which will be used in Markup views.
class ButtonComponent {
String name = 'Button'
String type = 'button'
String size
String cssClasses
String color
String state
String icon
String getCssClasses() {
String theCssClasses = 'btn'
if (this.cssClasses) {
theCssClasses += ' ' + this.cssClasses
else {
theCssClasses += " btn-info"
if (size) {
theCssClasses += " btn-$size"
In the grails-app/views/components/button/button_component.gml
model {
String name
String type
String size
String cssClasses
String color
String state
String icon
button([type: type, class: cssClasses] + (state == 'disabled' ? [disabled : ''] : [:]) + (color ? [style: 'color: ' + color] : [:])) {
if (icon) {
i(class: "bi bi-${icon}") {
yield name
Using the ButtonComponent
, CardComponent
in your GSPs, it's very easy, ViewComponents
support custom namespace and tags.
// Using expression in GSP
${new ButtonComponent(name: 'Primary Button', cssClasses: 'btn-primary').render()}
// Using tag in GSP
<vc:render component="button" name="View Components" cssClasses="btn-success" icon="star" />
// Custom namespace tags not support yet
<vc:button type="button" name="Icon Button" cssClasses="btn-primary" icon="box" />
<vc:card title="My First Component" content="This is the first Card" />
<g:each var="post" in="${Post.list()}">
<vc:card title="${post.title}" content="${post.body}" />
// or
<vc:card model="${post}" />
<vc:icon name="alarm" />
<vc:icon name="apple" />
<vc:icon name="bag" />
<vc:icon name="bank" />
<vc:icon name="box" />
Using Inline template
You also can write template in Component groovy source using inline(String templateText)
, it's One File Component!
class IconComponent {
String name
def render() {
inline """
i(class: "bi bi-$name") {
Build from source
git clone
cd grails-plugin-view-components
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
What's New
- Support Grails 4.0+
- Create View Components, using in Controller and GSP
Known issues
Currently, Grails GSP Taglib does not support Custom Namespace like tmp
, link
, but I will submit a feature request: Support custom namespace when invoking TagLib of GroovyPage and implement this feature later, I really hope that the framework will support this feature. If you are interested in this feature, you can join the discussion and leave a comment to post ideas.