
Burn your tokens with ease

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository contains a couple of utilities which will help you
to conveniently burn your tokens in case you have too many of them.

The file `burner.sol' defines the main burner.  It specialises in one
particular kind of token but it makes sure that any tokens of that
kind that it recieves will eventually get burned into oblivion.

How does it do this?  Well, it needs to have a reference to something
called a token supply manager, which is the other thing that this
repository contains.

The token supply manager in turn (`supply_manager.sol') is just a
wrapper around a token balance database, which is a basic token
building block from the `ds-token' repository (see Dapp-a-Day 6).

Anyone who is able to call the supply manager is able to create or
destroy whatever amount of tokens they want, so access to the supply
manager is restricted using `DSAuth' (see Dapp-a-Day 4).

To use a burner, a supply manager and a balance database together, the
burner needs permission to call the manager, and the manager needs
permission to call the database.  The burner, though, is unrestricted,
which is kind of the whole point: anyone is able to use the burner to
destroy tokens that they own.

You can either call the `burn(uint)' method to have the burner pull
tokens from you and burn them immediately, or you can transfer tokens
to the burner directly using the ERC20 `transfer()' function and wait
for someone to call the `burn()' method, which simply burns all the
tokens that the burner currently has in its possession.

So why would you want to "burn" tokens in the first place, you ask?

Well... that's an excercise for the reader.