
Perform Ethereum JSON-RPC calls from the comfort of your command line

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION

   seth -- perform Ethereum tasks from the comfort of your command line

   seth [<options>] <command> [<args>]
   seth <command> --help

   make link       install seth(1) into /usr/local
   make unlink     uninstall seth(1) from /usr/local

   curl(1)         https://curl.haxx.se/
   ethabi(1)       https://github.com/ethcore/ethabi/
   jshon(1)        https://github.com/mbrock/jshon/

   We are working on putting together a manual for Seth.  Meanwhile, feel
   free to ask in <https://dapphub.chat> if you need help with anything.

   abi             convert an ABI from Solidity syntax to JSON form
   age             show the age of the last block relative to now
   balance         show the balance of any account on the blockchain
   block           print a table of information about a specific block
   call            call a contract without updating the blockchain
   calldata        pack a signature and a list of arguments into calldata
   chain           print the symbolic name of the current blockchain
   code            print the bytecode of an object on the blockchain
   date            invoke date(1) with the timestamp of a certain block
   estimate        estimate how much gas a transaction is likely to use
   help            print help about seth(1) or one of its subcommands
   keccak          print the Keccak hash of an arbitrary piece of data
   logs            print the transaction logs of some contract
   ls              display a list of your local accounts and balances
   nonce           show the number of transactions sent from an address
   publish         publish an already-signed transaction to the blockchain
   receipt         wait for a transaction receipt to appear and print it
   seconds         print the age of the latest block in seconds
   send            sign and publish a transaction to the blockchain
   sign            sign arbitrary data with one of your account keys
   storage         show the value of a storage slot on the blockchain
   tx              print a table of information about a transaction

   -B, --block=<number>       block number (default: `latest')
   -F, --from=<sender>        account to send transaction from
   -G, --gas=<number>         number of units of gas to provide
   -V, --value=<amount>       amount of money to send (e.g. `0.1 ETH')

   --gas-price=<amount>       price of each gas unit (e.g. `20 Gwei')

   -h, --host=<host>          RPC endpoint host (default: `localhost')
   -p, --port=<port>          RPC endpoint port (default: `8545')

   -j, --json-output          print raw JSON to standard output
   -s, --silent               suppress standard error logging output

   --from-ascii               convert text data into hexdata
   --from-bin                 convert binary data into hexdata
   --to-bytes32               convert hexdata into bytes32 form 
   --to-uint256               convert a number into uint256 form 
   --to-wei                   convert an ETH or Gwei value into wei

Report bugs to <https://github.com/dapphub/seth/issues/new>.