
At Euromoney we are constantly updating the content of our sites to meet business demand. This task will test that the site works correctly and the content of the site is accurate.

  • This assignment should take between 30 minutes and an hour.


Using C#, Java or Ruby write automated functional tests for the following user stories using Selenium WebDriver and Specflow with the use of page object where possible

  • The site to test is
  • The automated tests should follow an object orientated design pattern.
  • Selenium Webdriver and NUnit must be used via Nuget packages.
  • Other useful Nuget libraries may also be used.
  • Any browser can be used for the purpose of this task.


Story 1

As a user I want to click the Who we are -> M** anagement team menu item** So that we can see that the correct page is displayed

Acceptance criteria

  • Management team page is displayed correctly (menu, Portfolio, LinkedIn elements are present, footer (Contact Us, T&Cs etc) is present, Management team title is present)
  • Verify that the URL of the first image is present.

Story 2

As a user I want to see International Financial Law Review on Our Portfolio -> Legal Media Page So that I can reach it and see subscription info

Acceptance criteria

  • On Legal Media Page I can find Financial Law Review info
  • I can see link to Financial Law Review
  • IFLR main page opens in new tab
  • I can see Subscribe button and select Personal package
  • The prices are in Pounds
  • !2 Months package is pre-selected