$RAIN redemptions

Bootstrapping environment


Build vendor dependences

Metaplex token-metadata

cd vendor/metaplex-program-library/token-metadata/program
cargo build-bpf

Contract Deployment

cd to the root of the project. Run yarn to fetch project dependencies.

After yarn completes, you can run anchor build to build the contracts.

To run the contracts locally, you need to have a running solana cluster.

First we will create a directory for the cluster:

mkdir -p .anchor/test-ledger

Create a new keypair:

solana-keygen new --outfile .anchor/test-ledger/validator-keypair.json

Start the test validator and deploy the contracts:

cd .anchor
solana-test-validator --no-bpf-jit -r --mint (solana address -k test-ledger/validator-keypair.json) --bpf-program metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s ../vendor/metaplex-program-library/token-metadata/target/deploy/mpl_token_metadata.so --bpf-program tfre5zcihbycEcr1xo67saNvovdmXhQFXPM2obQqRjP ../target/deploy/redemption.so

This will start the local validator with a clean state because of the -r flag. The --mint flag will mint the genesis SOLs to the specified address, avoiding the need to airdrop to your signing wallet. The remaining --bpf-program arguments will deploy a contract to the passed in address.

IDL uploading

Now we need to create and update the IDL files for the contract on the validator. From the root of the project run.

anchor idl init --provider.cluster localnet -f target/idl/redemption.json tfre5zcihbycEcr1xo67saNvovdmXhQFXPM2obQqRjP
anchor idl upgrade -f target/idl/redemption.json tfre5zcihbycEcr1xo67saNvovdmXhQFXPM2obQqRjP 

Upon success of those commands you will now have the contract and their interfaces fully deployed. You are now ready to interact with them using the client CLI/lib.

Client CLI

The client CLI is located in the app/cli directory. To run the CLI you need to first cd into app/cli and run yarn to fetch it's depenencies.

Now you can run the CLI commands outlined in the docs.

Client lib

The client lib can be used from any other typescript/javascript project. To use the lib you will want to add it to your package.json file as a local dependency (perhaps it will be added to npm eventually), updating <PATH-TO-LIB> to where you have this repo located plus app/lib. EX: "/Users/banana/trash-with-frens/app/lib"

  "name": "trash-with-frens-cli",
  "dependencies": {
    "trash-with-frens": "file:<PATH-TO-LIB>"

Documentation for the client lib can be found in the docs.