

See src/ for some documentation on configuration.

adding a new gym

  1. Add vertical life gym id to config.toml. The numeric id can be get by listening to Vertical Life iOS app's traffic with Charles proxy.

  2. Create a new tab/sheet in the spreadsheet, for example, "Ristikko - Reitit". The prefix should match to the Kiipeilyareena location's name in Vertical Life API. For instance, if the gym's name in the API is "Kiipeilyareena Ristikko", then "Ristikko" is the prefix. This is best done by duplicating an existing tab.

  3. Due to challenges with the sheets API, the sheet should not be completely empty when the table is filled for the first time. The problem is that API request that is used to append a row will try to insert to row so that it aligns with the header and the header does not start from the first column. That means that if you try to append to an empty table (with header only) the row will be aligned wrong relative to columns. The fix is to leave one row after duplicating and remove the extra row later. Hopefully the program will be able to automatically remove non-existent rows soon.

  4. Gym maps can be retrieved with cargo run get_gym_images.