
Store your dotfiles in a repo and symlink them to your home directory.

Primary LanguageShell

Raine's personal dotfiles and editor settings.

Files are stored in the repo and then symlinked to their respective system directories.


Add new files to the repo:

  1. cd ~/projects/dotfiles
  2. mv ~/.zprofile .
  3. ln -s .zprofile ~/.zprofile


This repo also contains a legacy gulp app that handles setup, backup, and restoration of root dotfiles.

gulp setup Backup and link the dotfiles from this repo into your user directory.
gulp restore Remove all dotfiles from the user directory that came from this repo and rename backups to originals. Do not run before gulp backup or gulp setup or your dotfiles will be deleted without backups!
gulp backup (internal) Backup all user dotfiles that would get overwritten by gulp setup adding a '_backup' extension
gulp link (internal) Create symlinks from user root dotfiles to repo dotfiles. Part of setup
gulp remove (internal) Remove all dotfiles from the user directory that came from this repo. Do not run before gulp backup or gulp setup or your dotfiles will be deleted without backups!