
Grunt task to optimize images using Yahoo Smushit

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Grunt plugin to remove unnecessary bytes of PNG and JPG using Yahoo Smushit

Smush.it uses optimization techniques specific to image format to remove unnecessary bytes from image files. It is a "lossless" tool, which means it optimizes the images without changing their look or visual quality.

Read more about Smush.it

Prefer Gulp? gulp-smushit

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt 0.4.x

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-smushit --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "smushit" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named smushit to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  smushit: {
    mygroup: {
      src: ['tests/img/**/*.png','tests/img/**/*.jpg'],
      dest: 'tests/img/min'



Type: String Default value: null Call another service instead of Yahoo Smushit


Type: boolean Default value: true Show image compressing rate log

Usage Examples

Output Folder

Move your files to a target folder (should not be into the same).

  smushit: {

    // catch all files from a single folder
    group1: {
      src: 'tests/img',
      dest: 'tests/opt_img'

    // filter by filetype
    group2: {
      src: ['tests/img/**/*.png','tests/img/**/*.jpg'],
      dest: 'tests/img/min'

    // set each file
        src: ['tests/img/logo.png','tests/img/whatever.png'],
        dest: 'tests/img/min'


Replace files

Be safe to replace all of your old files with this option.

  smushit: {

    // a single directory
    group1: {
      src: 'tests/img'

    // filter by filetype
    group2: {
      src: ['tests/img/**/*.png','tests/img/**/*.jpg']

    //replace recursive
    group3: {
      src: ['tests/img/logo.png','tests/img/tellme.jpg']


Work with a nested folder

Recursively walk into folders and smushit files

  smushit: {

    // catch all files from a nested folder
    group1: {
      src: 'tests/nested/img',
      dest: 'tests/opt_img'

    // filter files in a nested folder by filetype
    group2: {
      src: ['tests/nested/img/**/*.png','tests/nested/img/**/*.jpg'],
      dest: 'tests/opt_img'

    // retrieve files in a nested folder by file name
    group3: {
      src: ['tests/nested/img/**/southpark.png','tests/nested/img/**/southpark.jpg'],
      dest: 'tests/opt_img'

Provide multiple source

Smushit one folder, or many of them

  smushit: {

    // catch all files from a nested folder
    group1: {
      src: ['tests/img1', 'tests/img2'],
      dest: 'tests/opt_img'

    // filter files in a folder by filetype
    group2: {
      src: ['tests/img1/**/*.png','tests/img2/**/*.jpg'],
      dest: 'tests/opt_img'

    // retrieve files in a folder by file name
    group3: {
      src: ['tests/img1/**/southpark.png','tests/img2/**/southpark.jpg'],
      dest: 'tests/opt_img'

Use of cwd

Provide your base directory

  smushit: {

    // src folder is 'tests/img' and dest is 'tests/opt_img'
    group1: {
      cwd: 'tests'
      expand: true,
      src: 'img',
      dest: 'tests/opt_img'

    // multiple src folders: src folder is ['tests/img1', 'tests/img2'] and dest is 'tests/img/min'
    group2: {
      cwd: 'tests'
      expand: true,
      src: ['img1/**/*.png','img2/**/*.jpg'],
      dest: 'tests/img/min'

Your own service

There is an option that you can set your own image optimizer service. Its a good alternative if you don't want to wait for smush.it web service latency.

  smushit: {
    options: {
      service: 'http://myimgopt.com/exec'
    mygroup: {
      src: ['tests/img/**/*.png','tests/img/**/*.jpg'],
      dest: 'tests/img/min'


$ git clone git://github.com/heldr/grunt-smushit.git
$ cd grunt-smushit
$ npm install
$ npm test

NOTE: Be sure to keep up to date the plugin tests and jshint code quality.

Release History

  • 2014-05-19 v1.3.0 Pass node-smushit options through grunt file
  • 2014-03-30 v1.2.1 Bugfix. Fixes issue 29
  • 2014-03-03   v1.2.0   Use cwd only for source files, following the grunt pattern
  • 2013-07-15   v1.1.0   Support nested folder structure, support for multiple source folders
  • 2013-07-15   v1.1.0   Enable the use of cwd parameter
  • 2013-06-16   v1.0.0   Rewrite task on top of grunt-init-gruntplugin
  • 2013-05-26   v0.4.2   Add support to different service #16



MIT License (c) Helder Santana