
My blog developped on MVC's structure

Primary LanguagePHP

Table of contents

  • Generales Informations
    • Developpement languages
    • Current Version
    • Hierarchy of App
    • How to participate ?
  • Contribute to the development
  • How to use Git ?
  • Support
  • MVC : My Blog

    Generales Informations



    Developpement languages

    • HTML 5 / CSS 3
    • PHP 5/7
    • MYSQL
    • JS
    • Ajax

    Current Version :


    Hierarchy of App

    Type Name Path Content
    Directory app /
    Directory public /
    Directory css /public
    Directory js /public
    Directory img /public
    File index.php /public

    How to participate ?

    Contribute to the development

    To participate in the development of the project , **the following conditions must be observed** :

    Condition 1:
    Condition 2: Condition 3:

    How to use Git ?

    Tuto : How to contribute on Git / Github Project


    Need questions ? You can contact me by mail at : vincent@vincentraine.com