
a openal simple wrapper libary

Primary LanguageC


a simple audio wrapper libary base on OpenAL. inspired by Liekkas. ;)

support platform

platform status
MAC OSX done
window done
ios done
android done
ubuntu working

support audio format

audio format status
CAF done
mp3 done
wav done
ogg done


  1. OpenAL
  2. mpg123 (if you want support mp3)
  3. libvorbis (if you want support ogg)
  4. mingw32 (window need)
  5. lua (>=lua5.2)


$ make
$ make sound_test

read t.lua for more detail.


$ make android

read test_audio_jni.c and TestAudio.java for more detail.


simple effect sound API

  local sound = require "sound"

  sound:load(file_path [, file_type])                     -- load a audio file
  sound:unload(file_path)                                 -- unload a audio file
  sound:play(file_path, [loop, [pitch, [gain]]])          -- play a effect sound

background music API

  local music = require "music"

  music.load(file_path)          -- preload a music sound
  music.play(file_path, loop)    -- play a music sound, will load audio file when not load.
  music.stop()                   -- stop the current playing music sound
  music.open()                   -- open background music
  music.close()                  -- close background music

audio API

  local audio = require "audio"

  audio:load(file_path)          -- load sound file
  audio.unload(file_path)        -- unload sound file

  audio:listen_position(x, y, z) -- set listener position

group effect sound API

  local audio = require "audio"

  local group1 = audio:create_group([count]) -- create a sound group has count source
  local handle = group1:add(file_path, [loop, [pitch, [gain, [max_distanc]]]]) -- add sound file to group

  group1:play(handle)    -- play sound
  group1:stop(handle)    -- stop sound
  group1:rewind(handle)  -- rewind sound
  group1:pause(handle)   -- pause sound
  group1:position(handle, x, y, z) -- set source position
  group1:volume(handle, v)  -- set source volume

  group1:open()          -- open group all sound
  group1:close()         -- stop and close group all sound

read audio.lua wrapper file for more detail.

interrupt interface

// call after interruption starts
void oal_interrupted();

// call after interruption ends
void oal_resumed();